Bullet Book Review with @mrs_cmt1489

Disclaimer: I'm a 5th grade teacher in south central Texas, what works for my kids may not work for your kids, and what does work it may work the same or in different ways. 

Where the Watermelon Grows
By: Cindy Baldwin 
Release Date: 7/3/18

For fans of: The Thing About Jellyfish, A Snicker of Magic, Out of my Mind

First Line: On summer nights, the moon reaches right in through my window and paints itself across the ceiling in swirls and gleams of silver. 

The book: 

Della’s family is far from “normal” but what family isn’t? Della’s mother struggles with a mental illness and Della can’t help but carry guilt for thinking her illness is her fault. This is an amazing story of community, love, family, friendship, and understanding. Della is empowering as a young girl. I can’t wait to share with students next year.

The author: This is Cindy's debut novel! I was blown away when I read it this summer! https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16027248.Cindy_Baldwin

Read it for + Teaching Points: 
Acceptance. Empathy. Courage. Love. Family. 

For writing in the classroom: Research mental health and then how they can show empathy towards others who are struggling, i.e. depression, anxiety, adhd, etc.


The Science of Breakable Things
By: Tae Keller
Release Date: 5/6/18

For fans of: Fish in a Tree, Mockingbird, Rules 

First Line: Mr. Neely just wrote our first lab book assignment on the board in his scrunched-up, scratchy handwriting and he's all excited about this scientific process stuff.  

The book: 

I have never read a story that portrays depression, and it was so perfectly portrayed. Depression affects so many, either in obvious ways or silent ways, and I think it’s imperative for kids to start being aware of these issues. Natalie’s story was one that I can absolutely relate to, and so much of her adolescent life is familiar in myself, but also my students. I love the science connection. I will definitely be book talking to my students and sharing as much as I can. I already have a few students in mind of who are or have experienced this during this school year.
“Living is not being afraid of the answer.”

The author: Tae is amazing. Her website has an awesome newsletter you can subscribe too! I can't wait to see what else she puts out into the world. http://www.taekeller.com/

Read it for +Teaching Points: 
Adventure. Standing up for what you believe in. Compassion. Understanding. Family.

Again, mental awareness. I would also discuss friendships and using signposts. 


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