Jigsaw Jungle by Kristin Levine - a book review

I would like to thank Penguin Young Readers for the free copy of this book for review. All thoughts expressed are my own. 

You know that feeling where you feel like you MUST TALK TO SOMEONE NOW after finishing a certain book? That is exactly how I felt after finishing Jigsaw Jungle by Kristin Levine. (You'll recognize Kristin as the author of The Lions of Little Rock)

This book wasted no time and you find out right away that the main character, Claudia is trying to figure out why her father is missing. A million things are running through your head as to why he is missing and as a reader you just keep wondering where the author is going to take this. There are some hints dropped as to why he is gone and, as an adult, I think most will see it coming however, I don’t think most kids will predict why this would be really interesting to discuss with kids and adults - and it could get uncomfortable. HOWEVER, I think that sometimes... we need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable and talk about some big issues. SEE WHAT I MEAN ABOUT NEEDING TO TALK? (sorry to shout...)

Because I wanted to talk to someone right away, I quickly handed this book to my good friend, Julie and said, “Read this!” Okay, maybe not that bossy. But, still. You know when you have a good book friend that will read anything you tell them to read? She’s mine! I also read anything she recommends because her taste is impeccable.

I digress. It’s summer! I don’t have to stay on topic, right?!

Anyway, back to the book. I’ve been anxious about writing this review because it’s a book where you CANNOT, MUST NOT spoil the ending. The book goes from being fun and interesting to being fun yet DEEP really fast. It is a book that, I believe, will be important to have on shelves because the content is not done very often by authors, yet it is very relevant, and Kristin does it very well.

I am so sorry for being vague. You’re just going to have to read the book

Something else I really loved about this book was all of the different formats. The book is told through text messages, video transcriptions, emails, letters, etc. It was so fun to read through all of that! I have always been a big fan of formats like that. I'm not sure what it is called ... Maybe I’ll call it “epistolary and more” maybe there is already a name for it? I’m not sure. All I’m sure of is I like it. J

Jigsaw Jungle comes out June 19th!

Kristin Levine, author of the critically acclaimed The Best Bad Luck I Ever Had, The Lions of Little Rock, and The Paper Cowboy received her BA in German from Swarthmore College and an MFA in film from American University. She spent a year in Vienna, Austria, working as an au pair and has taught screenwriting at American University. Currently, she lives in Alexandria, VA with her two daughters. The Jigsaw Jungle is her fourth novel.

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